As seen by me...

By GrantR

Hurricane Danbo

So, this big storm. It's a bit shit isn't it? Headed down to the Newhaven to Cramond shoreline after work for high tide and hopefully some monster waves and found... well nothing really. Sure, it was a bit breezy but nothing to particularly worry about. This storm is 90% media hype, 10% actual weather, we had worse winds that this a couple of months ago and had worse rain in the even less distant past, but I suppose the "remnants of a hurricane" makes a good story when there's not much else on the go.

So hacked off with the shots from earlier being nothing I deleted the lot and headed outside with an uncooperative Danbo. He kept being blown down, and indeed away. Believe me, trying to keep Danbo balanced while holding the D7000(with battery grip) and SB-800 in one hand with a garden hose in the other in high winds was a thing to behold.

I expect a few Danbo blips by the look of the weather forecast!

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