A spoonful of sugar

By Poppins

A bee on sage flower!

IT'S ARRIVED! Yeah! Hurrah!!!

My new digital SLR camera is finally here...arrived yesterday...battery charged and today i suddenly started trying it all excited and amazed!...wow...so many new functions and things to try and learn...but i am a willing student, i will slowly learn and practise more...especially with the help of my half that is a great support!:)

So...this morning not much time to go far...so i went down in the garden...i started testing mainly the macro possibilities with the flowers....and i already had my first satisfactions with this shot here!.....as soon as i saw a bee going around the sage flowers i thought "lets see if i can take a bee shot like one of the many great ones i saw on blip!"....and i did....well i don't want to be presumptious....mine is not as good as the ones i saw, which where even more closed and detailed...but compared to what i could shot before ...wow....this is a big evolution for me!

On my "about", written 62 blips ago....when this adventure on blip started...and a new Era begun (now we are in the A.B. - After Blip...before we were in the B.B. - Before Blip :-D) ...i wrote that as soon as i was going to have a new reflex camera i was going to put my old panasonic in a nursing home for cameras....but i think i'm going to keep it with me anyway....mainly cos it's handy and small ...so to have a camera always with me in the bag..."just in case"....cos i'm sure it won't be so easy to go around always with this new BIG ONE!:) ...u can't imagine how i feel now handling such a monster...lol....i'm a paparazzi!!!:)))

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