Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


Back on Thursday, August 25, we had a hole installed on our patio. Earlier in August when we had gotten home from our lovely "Lost in Time in California Somewhere" week, the pool was losing water. So we filled it and then the next few days it just keep dropping water level again. Finally I said, "Come on! There's something wrong with this!" so Mr. Fun phoned the pool guys who had build this pool years ago and then two years ago had come to do the replaster and upgrade on the spa.

The experts know instantly! He took one look and said you've got a busted pipe under that cement. So the next day, August 25, they sent a crew to break the cement and to repair the pipe. Then they told us it would be a couple weeks before the best cement guys would be available. They gave us the option to have the "less than best" guys come. No thanks!

So today the best cement guys came and removed that entire pad of cement and replaced it. I haven't heard the cost yet, so I'll do my fainting tomorrow.

When Pat the fence man came to build our existing fence higher during the time of our pool upgrade, he said, "There are two things in life you can count on: ice cream melts and cement cracks!" Well, I think I'd add a third item to that list, "Plastic pipes break!"

So that was the big event of our day. Our three pooches thought so too! They wanted to run and play in the cement or at least sniff the workers. They hated being cooped-up inside when there was some smelling to do outside.

Good night from the land of new cement!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Ten years ago today one of Mr. Fun's very best friends since adolescence died from prostate cancer. So one day after 9/11 the saddness intensified. We can hardly believe it has been ten years.

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