My Life Is Not Average

By melamny

Common Ride

My sister and I were taking Jenny to the station to catch a train home when we were stopped as we reached the Royal Mile due to the Edinburgh Common Ride. We asked the policeman who stopped us how long it would take, because we didn't have long before the train, and he told us "as long as it takes 300 horses to pass"! Luckily we were at the front of the queue though, so we had a good view and we got away quickly when all the horses had gone by. Jenny did catch the train, so it was all good.

This morning was the uni CU's first Church Search, which I went to and stood there holding up a sign for my church, although it's a little out of the way for students and nobody came with me. Maybe next week. We had a good service, spent some time talking with my friend Grace and a friend she brought along.

Moved back into my flat this afternoon. Somehow it feels much more like home than when I was here before.

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