Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus


These aren't actually 'proper' autumn leaves...they are all green but they appear to have all been taken from the trees by the strong winds we have had over the past few days. I couldn't believe how many were on the floor!

Today was a pretty good day at school. PE was probably the best lesson, and it is always really fun (regardless of what sport we do!). Today was basketball and my team won!

Last night, we had a very impromptu trip to St Mary's this wind...I enjoyed it though, it was very fun and I will definitely be going back there when the wind is slightly less forceful.

I've had this in my head all day, because last night my cousin messaged me about spending a few days in London with her when I break up for my Christmas holiday's to go and see a photography exhibition (like I did in February). I love London! I'm very very excited and I haven't even booked my train tickets yet. Roll on December 16th!

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