Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Enough Bookshelves

A brighter and not so windy day today.

Didn't get out again for a walk today, Tuesday afternoons always seem to be a mad rush to try to get dinner half prepared so that once we're back from Aiden's dancing, it can be finished off and eaten before 8pm!

While Aiden danced, Blaine and I went to the library, he has always had a love for books and reading, he is very fussy as to what he reads though, so has been allowed to choose and has been reading from the adult section as well as the Junior section, for more choice, since he was around 10yrs old, he tends to go for science fiction thrillers mostly.

Aiden 'pretends' she loves books, and I'm hoping that she really will get to love books, I guess it's all got to do with her 'reading problems' which stem from her 'speech problems', which stem from 'other problems' but as all these 'problems' are improving constantly, I silently hope that the pretending soon turns into a genuine love.

"I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves ~ Anna Quindlen

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