Today ..

I have been to : Guardamar market, Carrefour and McDonalds.

As a magnanimous gesture I decided not to play golf today and take Mum to yet another market. So, last night I said to her we would need to be leaving our house at 11.15am, that would give us enough time to get to the market, park the car and have a wander round before the market starts packing up.

We eventually left our house at 11.45am, got to Guardamar, car park full. Drove up and down the numerous side streets, no parking anywhere, so I had to park the car quite a walk from the market.

Trudged along looking at various stalls, I bought some sweet chillis in vinegar, mum bought 3 blocks of nougat. We had a cup of coffee and she wanted to carry on walking, I explained that the further we walked in the opposite direction of the car the further we had to walk back, her back and knees were killing her, so common sense took over and we started to walk back to the car. I left her at a convenient spot, went and got the car and came and picked her up. We then went to Carrefour, got a few bits and pieces, and as a treat we went across the road to McDonalds, she had a 'Happy meal', not sure why its called a happy meal as it certainly wouldn't make me happy eating it. I opted for a buger, bacon and onion bap, when it came it bore no relation to what it looked like on the display board, I should have taken it back, but it was too much hassle. After I had eaten it, I read the calorie value, I had just consumed 590 calories, plus whatever my drink of coke contained, I reckon it was close to a 1000 calories on rubbish, my own fault. So tea for me is a lettuce leaf and a tomato!!

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