
By appertunity

God save us from religion

I'm no Richard Dawkins i.e. I'm not an atheist (I still don't 'get' atheism, I'm an agnostic & probably always will be as very little in life is certain), but I share with him a horror of religion.

Faith requires a blindness to the world, a denial of the facts, it requires us to believe in a myriad of nonsensical things written down hundreds of years ago that may have been significant then but are no longer.

I don't want us to be blind I want us to see!

The irony of it is that if there is a God surely God would want us to explore, marvel at and be thankful for such a beautiful universe?

This is what science is for, it's a marvellous tool for discovering the truths of the universe.

Part of the difference between faith & science is that the truths of science are changeable because they are challengeable while religious truths are immutable & are not supposed to be challenged. In an ever changing world this latter option doesn't make sense to me.

Science is doubt whilst religion offers certainty & while this might be comfortable it's only through doubt that we edge closer to truth. The wiseman knows he knows not.

It's not a case of science V religion it's a case of knowledge V self imposed ignorance (usually stemming from fear).

Oh to be free of ignorance & quest for the truth (even if it leads us to uncomfortable conclusions).

There are no easy answers & I certainly don't know why we are here but the journey to discover why is perhaps the point. I personally suspect the journey is the destination!

Rant over!

Today's photo is one of the mosques in Bradford, beautiful building so perhaps faith is good for something's lol

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