Moments that Matter

By amie


I mentioned previously about my group in college. We had made Monster Mike. Well, he was our first group task. Our second was this creation ^.
From our 4 objects we had to come up with a theme, whereby we would make, paint and build then present the piece. We conversed a little and then a little more, until we came to the conclusion, 'Individuality is dead!' This theme was developed from the idea that people are manipulated by what they see, hear and read in the media. We associate celebrities as role models, therefore we copy them and eventually we all become clones. So, we represented these clones as robots.
We then introduced the idea of Lady Gaga and mini black and white Lady Gagas. The idea behind Gaga in the meat dress was that we wanted to involve a celeb who deviates from the norm and is seen as individual. We then introduced mini, black and white Gagas as a way to express followers. Clones of a person who once seemed bespoke.
The TV and magazine cut-outs convey the manipulation involved by the media.
The robots and Gagas were actually assembled onto a conveyer belt - a mechanical machine - as an easy means of communicating with the viewers.
It was a very fun task! And seeing the other groups work and hearing their ideas was fascinating. Such a variety of exhibits, views, opinions and personalities! :-))

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