My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

Just Olivia

Hi everyone

Hope your well and hope your weeks ok :)

If you would like to see olivia in colour let me know what you think is best.

Thomas had tears again today, daddy has taken him for the last 2 days he was ok yesturday but cried for me, im taking him tomorrow so hope hes gonna be ok, hes been saing i dont want to go to school anymore, maybe the reality has kicked in that he does go everyday bless him. Hes got a few books to read and hes started to understand and remember words very proud of him.

I had docs today, ive been told to take care of myself and take things easy and i cant even lift olivia, in a few weeks i will know more so i will be able to share more but till then bed early and rest for me :(.

I decided to get the backdrop out today because im having that feeling of giving up on photography and i really dont want to so olivia decided in the end she would let me snap some pic, i did get some fab ones of her and some great faces, she amazes me with her different looks. I feel guilty though as i havent got many of thomas these past days but i will.

Hope my olivia blip is ok and hope the colour is also ok.

a closer olivia

Thankyou for the new subs to my journal and thankyou as always for your comments, im so sorry i dont always get round to visit your blipe but each and everyone of you means so much. Thankyou.

Vicky. xxxx

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