Here we go again!


Maison La Roche - Le Corbusier

I visited this house designed by Le Corbusier in 1923-25 today. Can't say I really love this type of modernist architecture but it was interesting to see. We had to wear blue booties over our shoes as we walked around, so all the tourists looked even more ridiculous than usual. Plus, especially with the booties on, you really had to grip on the railing to get up the ramp in this picture. Seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Sad day today as J flew back home early this morning. He called us tonight upon arrival and said everything looked good, that the house has never been cleaner.

The girls had good days at school. I got some work done and, on the way back from Maison La Roche, found a Russian traiteur who sells Perogies (though they don't call them that). Made for a tasty dinner.

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