Jay walking with CLP

What a beautiful day!

The most part was spent with my Nana, went to lunch with her and the parents before doing
Some shopping. When it was time to drop Nana home I helped her in with all of her bags. On the way into her building a sportily dressed young man came out and gave my Nana a brilliant greeting of 'hello Mrs Clark' ... After getting into her house I enquired who the young man was, mainly because I liked that someone treated my Nana with that much respect and took the time to have a chat with her. Turns out he is her neighbour across the hall, I asked if he bought the flat? My Nana says yeah and swoons at how beautiful it is inside, turns out she feeds his pet fish when he's away - also turns out he's the physio for Hibbs - and he keeps an eye on my Nana. I love this - not cos I'm a Hibbs fan but cos my Nana has a lovely, kind, professional young man looking out for her- I hope everyone treats old people and neighbours like this, it's always someone's Nana!

The late afternoon was spent on a usual walk with Jay to Loch Ore Meadows... But with the addition of CLP and an additional dog, Larrson, who is Jay's sisters dog. I took my Pentax in the hopes of some good shots, I could not have picked a better night, was so hard to choose - due to the way the sun was setting I felt like we were in the title credits for Dawsons Creek! I got some perfectly natural and happy pictures of my BOMA's - love them both!

After the walk Jay went home with the pups and CLP and I came back to mine for a great stir fry and fruit salad desert... Followed by a cuppa at CLP's where I discovered the Kardashians!!! OMG I loved it! Trash tv is not usually my thing I promise. X

Here are some of the alternates- this one of Jay was a particular fave!!!

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