Mostly quite mundane

By Anon

Self referential

Partly inspired by blipfoto and also by the general need to have a pocket-size quality camera for my walks, this is my new toy. I particularly wanted good optical zoom, for capturing birds & other natural curiosities, along with geotagging so that my pictures could form more of a trackable narrative. Something that I can sneak into gigs where they don't want you recording HD video too, with decent stereo sound recording. This baby does it all and it got good user reviews. It does 14x optical zoom. Count them. Those x's. 14 of them. It's also a Canon, so I trust it to be good on quality. I already have the chunkier S5 is, but that gets a bit neglected due to its cumbersome nature.

Blah blah. Can you tell I'm a bit excited?

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