life through glass eyes..

By Steven

A long day out...

So today me and frazz decided to go to saughton skatepark for the early morning session... We ended up staying there till about 10.30 - 11 at night.. Thats alot of skateboarding. On the way to edinburgh we stopped in haddington to see if kerr was around and up for coming!! So.. we get to kerr's and go in, he's lying rotting in a pit on the couch wearing nothing but a hawaii shirt.. not even bockies. After telling him it was dry and the sesh was on he made for the car that fast that the only thing he grabbed was his board and a pair of jammies. I kitted him out with a pair of jeans when we got there just to let you all know!!

Good day skating, some amazing stuff went down.

Every bone in my body hurts...

aaron doing a rad air here.. hope you enjoy.

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