
By earthdreamer

Time to go home

I should explain that work has got very frantic this week. We've got a new software application to deliver next month and a major presentation to a European client next week. We're shortlisted as one of the last three for a new national public health system. It's showtime, and there is a lot of preparation to do. I've had another 12 hour day and am feeling a little frazzled.

The weather was very grey and dull this morning and late afternoon we were hit by the predicted heavy rain (almost blipped here). I feared that it was going to set in for the evening, but my blip angel continues to look after me. The skies cleared just as I was about to leave for home, and just before the sun finally set on what has been another very long week.

I continue to be incredibly grateful for all your wonderful comments. It's kind of keeping me going at the moment. When I look back at this week's shots it is amazing to me how this has been possible when I've had so little opportunity to get out with the camera. There is no way I'd be grabbing the moments I have if this was just for me. Being part of this community is simply amazing. I may not have as much chance to feedback this weekend as I would like, but I guess you're not going to go away! I'll catch up with you all properly as soon as I can.

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