The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Smart Arse

Okay, so the demeanour of this statue depicts exactly how I am a smart arse! Today I took two copies of my doctoral thesis to The University of Birmingham, had them soft bound and then submitted them for examination. I am one step away from being a Doctor of Education. Good god, I am chuffed as hell!!!!!

But let's be honest, it's been one hell of a journey...there have been highlights and dark days and I have been utterly obsessed with my research for the past five years. It has, however, shown me what can be achieved with perseverance and dogged determination...and the support of wonderful parents and a remarkable husband. And now I am here...nearly wearing the Harry Potter sorting hat and maroon is all real. I am so very proud of myself. So now we, that is my parents and I, are drinking celebratory champagne. Wish you were here...when you come home we will drink Moet!!

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