Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Couldn't buy a blip!

Mmmm! I never checked whether the blackberries we ate at teatime had mould in them. Amazing what macro photos show! It wasn't meant to be another shot with the bellows again today!

Earlier today.....

As I wandered over to the supermarket after work it occured to me that I could get a bunch of flowers. It's a while since I've done a flower blip. The display was small and nothing appealed to me until I looked in the bucket of reduced-price bunches. Little lemon carnations would be just fine: some flowers fully open and lots of buds. May be more than one blips worth!

I got to the checkout:

"I can't scan the flowers!" Calls for assistance.

"The sell-by date was yesterday, I'll ask the supervisor!"

"She won't be long."


"The supervisor says we can't sell them, they're past their sell-by date."


"Ok, let me have them and I can put the £1.50 in this charity box instead."

"No, you can't do that, the supervisor says I can't sell them."



Shoppers in queue look on in disbelief!

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