My Life Is Not Average

By melamny

Free Lunch

My flatmates and I completely failed to make it along to the last freshers' week prayer breakfast today - we all slept in! After eventually waking up and eating breakfast, we made our way to pound-stretcher on a mission to buy a rather large canvas print to hang on our kitchen wall. We got one for the hallway too, and the place does look much more colourful and friendly now.

I went along to help with the free lunch again, although apparently due to health and safety we needed to have it in a place with running water, so we had it in the Chaplaincy instead of Bristo Square, which wasn't brilliant. Held signs again, and got into a conversation with a guy who called himself both a spiritualist and a Christian, and wouldn't let me get a word in edgeways. Helped clean up afterwards, and ate some of the leftover pasta sauce.

This evening I met up with a few friends from Lead Up and other SU things at Pizza Express, which was really good. We then went to Powerpoint, a Christian event for teeenagers. It was amazing, but there were more people than could fit so they had about 150 people who stayed outside, and they had teaching and worship outside as well! Wow.

Also just noticed this is my 250th entry; halfway to 500! Crazy times.

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