Lotus Hunt

It began with...
"Will you come with me to pick some lotus flowers for decorating our common room?"

As we approached the backyard swamp, I didn't see any lotus flowers close, so I thought we would have to go searching elsewhere. That didn't stop my friend though. She began asking one of the guys to get in a boat and go find a lotus for her. I honestly thought she was joking, but soon realized she wasn't.

The guy's hesitance was obvious. I don't blame him. Although the pond isn't too deep, my first preference wouldn't be to do something that would possibly get me covered in swamp water or bitten by disturbing anything in the swamp. The other problem...I've never seen a boat around here. The fact is, I've just had a too narrow mindset for what a could be used as a boat.

Soon a Thai guy was stepping into a makeshift boat, a.k.a. large tub, and floating out to the middle of our backyard pond to pick lotus flower seed pods for friend number one. Luckily I was the one observing (with camera ready) just in case the "boat" wasn't as faithful as we hoped. Fortunately for our sailing friend, the "boat" held up. Unfortunately for my blip friends, I don't have a picture of someone covered in swamp water and an upside down "boat."

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