hello again

By admirer


the clearence, and why not, I see it works well. A bit dust can do no harm but when I notice it then it is time to act. The landing with the blue bookshelves and my choice of books on them, we walk along it all the time and books have a tendency to bend and go sloppy (english?) and I helped them to look nice and fresh again.
After that I walked down to the Weser and the Haven in the sunny morning.
The sparrows fly there! One of them she is the blip.
In a hollow tree I found a leaf captured by a spider's web, guess what I saw a little dragon in it. After taking it to picnice I put a couple at my Flickr. The link does not work for some time, don't know why. But I suddenly remember I have a blipfolio and I put it there. Thank you Blip!

My haiku:

I heard you sing so
Soft I try to answer you
In the brisky street

And the french proverb:

Even when the bird walks one feels that it has wings.

The poetry project is in a difficult phase now, poems of Stéphane Mallarmé, the interpreter tells me that after every reading one finds new meanings.
The first line of the poem Le Tombeau d'Edgar Poe is said to be the most frequently quoted in the whole range of French verse. I for that matter had never heard of it. The line of Verlaine: Il pleure dans mon coeur comme il pleut sur la ville that sticks forever in my mind, yes. No I remembered it as il pleut dans la rue.

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