Just looking..

By ccleeve

Stroll in the park.

D admiring a fountain in a local park. We ventured out later today - about 6pm - and found that the park was being used by about as a location for wedding photo shoots. There were several wedding parties - brides in frothy white dresses, men in dark suits, women in jewel toned evening dresses. I took a few photos of the brides and the wedding cars, but didn't feel comfortable going too close.

D was not very interested in the wedding groups, but he liked watching the children in the play area, and was fascinated by the fountain - I think it's the noise rather than the sight.

I've been back at work for just over two weeks now and am exhausted. It was so good to reach the weekend and not to have to get up this morning until D woke me up. Then after a change and a feed he went back to sleep and I did too - bliss!

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