Footprints made by Izzy

By IzzyandME

Izzy and her "boyfriend" Bailey

It was Baileys birthday treat today so we went to see Thomas at the cinema, pizza hut and then onto greenham common to jump in muddy puddles!

When me and Izzy got home Izzys godmother and her boyfriend suprised us with a visit, we don't see them often so it was lovely to spend a few hours with them too. Izzy godmother is pregnant and Izzy was obessed with the bump, she told me at bedtime she wants to go back in my belly!!
Izzy also has a little crush on godmothers boyfriend, it's so funny, she giggles, smiles coyly and talks so girlie to him. When they left I said to her "is D your new boyfriend?" She replied "oh yes please!!" hahah bless her!

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