Et Aetatis

By Biota

It's okay, I know First Aid.

Club sports are encouraged to have two or more of their officers First Aid and CPR/AED-certified, which is why I found myself spending a painful two and a half hours at a First Aid workshop earlier in the week watching an American Red Cross video with really bad acting. It drilled in the fact that the first step in helping anyone is to always "make sure the scene is safe" and then to announce to the injured individual and any surrounding bystanders that you know First Aid.

So my expectations for the two and a half hour CPR/AED training were not very high. But rather than the equivalent of watching a very long, very boring movie--as was the case with First Aid--this workshop required frequent interaction with mannequins using what the video was demonstrating. And chest compressions done properly are actually a little tiring.

All I can say is that while I hope I never have to use my CPR training on anyone (success rate is 7% without an AED...D:), I particularly never want to use it on an infant. The face mask that we were provided was as big as a baby's face, and all I could think of as I was practicing CPR on the plastic baby was that I was stabbing the infant repeatedly in the chest with a spearhand. Also, I found out how terrible my spearhand is.

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