Everyday is Red

By everydayisred

of version of this time

(back blipped)

Why is it we can only say our most intimate thoughts through text, rather than actual vocalization? I don't want to live through text alone.

Has anyone noticed how much better soup to go tastes when it's eaten with a plastic spoon.

I can't help but notice how my relationships have changed with the people I have left behind. It's weird, it's hard and it hurts.

I don't really feel like back home is home, anymore. This is my home, now.

My greatest extravagance this week will be a new pair of hiking boots. I am thrilled.

Everything matters more today and so many other things matter less.

Every time I see a picture of my nephew, my heart aches. He is the most beautiful thing I know.

A guitar is bing played behind me; a soundtrack for this blip.

I'm taking an awesome photography class at the end of the next month. I want to be really good. When visiting my family, alight bulb went on. I need to run with it.

Hope everyone is doing well. I haven't been around in a while and I'm beyond playing catch-up.

Then end. For tonight.

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