Andy's Ambles

By archandy

Mama Mia! That's a Spicy Meatball!!

This is my cousin Ant (say Hi!) who, along with his lovely wife Kirsti, is my fantastic and welcoming host during my time in Singapore.

Today was mostly spent in a vague waking alternate dream universe known as jet lag; it's a mind melting ride.

However, crippling sleep deprivation aside, it was time to get out and sample the culinary delights of the city.

We ended up at a local little Thai restaurant that was no-frills, cheap but a taste sensation! Fish curry for me with lots of yummy prawn heads in it.

But, as all foodies know, Thai food can give a spice-kick to places you never knew could be kicked.

I think this photo perfectly captures the moment Singapore's finest almost feels steam shoot out of his ears and nose!

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