feet well travelled

By feettravelled

ding dong bells

so the day started with getting ready with the beautiful bride and the other bridesmaids...painting nails, doing hair and make-up and then getting the bride all ready and looking amazing!

champagne then off to the church with our little cutsie bouquets!

arrived at the church with mum and dad and all my brothers (two were groomsmen and one obv the groom) looked v handsome in their black suits!

i was paired for walking down the isle with a guy who used to hold me when i was a little girl..about 2 and he found it crazzy tht he was now walking down the isle with me 18 years later!!

walking down the isle is ......AWESOME! i totally loved it and when ash walked down with her dad....i was in tears. she looked stunning.

watching kindays face as he saw her and during the whole service he was breath taken.

the service all went smoothly and was fab!! the photographyer was great and altho it took a while, i enjoyed all the pictures and poses! shame i could only pick one pic for my blip today...there were SOOOO many!

the speaches at the reception were very emotional but also hilarious! great stories and lots of laughter!

it was fab to be on the high table with the bride and groom and be part of their special day.

after the whole thing we went out for a drink to wind down...drink as in tea or coffee. the only place we could find was like a costa coffee and it was funny going in their in my bridesmaid dress...looking all posh!!

awesome day. fabulous celebration, for a wonderful, godly couple.

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