Life Slips By

By Cider12

Ricketts Glen State Park

I am still all sniffly and icky, but I was getting a bit depressed staying at home, especially on such a perfectly beautiful day.

So I plopped Cider in the car and drove off to explore one of our state parks. Turns out it was a bit more strenuous than I was expecting, given how I was feeling, but I stopped and sat and admired a lot.

Twenty-one waterfalls, ranging from 11ft to 94ft. A 3.5-mile loop going down one river and up the other. I kept thinking of The Last of the Mohicans the whole way.

I'm not sure if having Cider (excited by all the water) drag me down steep rocky slopes and up miles of stairs did wonders for my cold, but it was perfect for my spirits!

A few more I almost blipped:
Cider licking the spray from the waterfall off his nose!

Some of the gazillion tiny waterfalls along the way

Water, water everywhere

Couple stopping to stare at the water

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