Peter's Ponderings

By Lofty

I think it's trying to tell me something...

Day 15. Stage 14: Refuge D'Usciolu -> Refuge d'Asinau

Ben: "Hey Pete, the sun's up... Did we over sleep?"

Pete: "CRAP!"

Another mainly sleepless night due to high winds howling up the valley to our exposed outcrop...

Last night as we turned in for the night, we found out that the Corsican National Park... people had decided that this year, the GR20 route would change. This next stage had been broken up into two smaller "etapes" which take you close to the nearest village and a new refuge. But because the change was so recent, none of the guide books published before this year were up-to-date... And to make it more interesting, they'd gone along and painted over the old route markers in gray paint... on gray rocks....

We'd worked hard for our extra day on the beach, and we weren?t about to waste it on some half arsed attempt to divert hikers into a town with over priced bars, so we decided to trust our plan, and followed the gray on gray route!

Fortunately, some of the sign posts survived the coup, and one provided a nice blip, and meant i didn't have to take ANOTHER sunrise...!

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