Messy Play

I don't know what came over me today, I suggested to Ben over breakfast this morning that maybe I should clear a space in the front room so we could do some painting.

He didn't let me forget all morning!

So we have cleared a space, hoovered a bit more (not a lot, just enough), dug out and cleaned up the paper and the craft boxes, and finally got paper on the floor and the paints out. Ben was hopping by then, he could hardly wait!

It started off fairly civilised but rapidly got pretty messy when Ben decided he couldn't be bothered with brushes any more. We had a lot of fun. I ended up holding him by his arms and letting him swing his feet around the paper, he LOVED it!!! The sun came out just at the right time as well for me to have my own kind of playtime which I was most pleased about although I didn't get a great deal of chance as Ben wanted me to swing him around some more :)

Finally when the painting had become slightly more muddy coloured than we liked we took it off the floor and stuck it to the wall and got a fresh piece down to play with. It was brilliant opportunity to learn about mixing colours, Ben was fascinated to discover that mixing blue and yellow (with his feet) made green, and the same amazed discovery that blue and red made purple, and yellow and red made orange!

The only thing that stopped us in the end was his sudden need for the toilet :0)

All his pyjamas and the towels we used to clean up are in the wash and it did dawn on me as I pressed "go" that his pyjamas are red, and the towel was white. I'm waiting to see what colour the towel is now. I'm not holding my breath that it's still white!

SO much fun though. Really really really great fun! I should do this more often. Especially while we have a big floor space that doesn't mind getting a bit of paint on.

Ben needs a bath before he goes to bed tonight... even with wearing clothes to paint in, he's got blue stains all over his back, and yellow and red stains on his bum and legs and let's not even start on the state of his feet, even though they've had the worst washed off! I've not made an attempt to clean up my toes yet, I've not had much chance to be honest so they remain coated in paint. I really really hope it doesn't stain...

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