Drivey Car

22months 29days

"Katie drivey car" is what she insists on doing everytime we get in the car. So I had to get the cheesy "toddler in the driving seat" photo.

Well, today was the longest session that she's done at nursery. She cried as we arrived, went in her room and hunted out the Tweenies jigsaw, cried as I left. But I watched through a peep window and saw a smile before I turned and went. So I spent my morning relieved and hoping she'd had a good one. I arrived and it was a bit of a different tale, but progress too. She'd got quickly upset after I'd gone, and was very upset for an hour. She started asking for what they thought was"poo-poo" but what she wanted was "Pooh-Pooh" - her Winnie the Pooh bag. She also got her coat, and put it on. Once she had both those, she was more settled - that is, once she knew she was ready to leave! The progress though a) she chatted more to them, even explaining her problem with going outside - "outside too big" and b) she ate a sausage and her bag of fruit flakes. So two big bits of progress. She managed to create a mountain of jigsaws that she'd spent the morning emptying in and out of their drawers, and doing. When we'd left, I asked her what she'd played with at nursery. She came up with something positive! "Katie tweenie puzzle. Like it, its nice". I think she's still basically needing constant one-to-one, but she's letting that come from a couple of different members of staff now.

She was rather hungry when I picked her up and troughed a variety of things on the way home, before I put her down for a sleep. We had to go to the bank when she got up, and she got excited to see Jo at the bank. The bank is on a street that passes the road to one of the parks. Its not the one we usually go to, Katie's been maybe 3 or 4 times ever, but as we passed the street she started begging to go to the swings. She was much more confident on the climbing and slides - I'm sure it was because of gymnastics as she was going on climbing bars that she's now loving at gymnastics.

We walked up to the library and she had a lot of fun playing. The lady let her use the date stamper to do pictures with and she did lots of drawing too. She was playing peepo with one of the staff through the bookshelves and had lots of goes on the rocking dragon.

Since we came home she's been having a really good play - I'm loving seeing how her play is developing. She's built a street with her Happyland houses, and is carefully playing with all the people and chatting to them all. She's spnet a long time making cups of tea, and telling me "careful, its hot" as she gives them to me.

Hard to believe this was 2years ago

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