Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Super Milk

Late one back from school (Hollow Jnr Snr at a birthday tea and Hollow Jnr Jnr at her first Rainbow meeting), just had dinner.....mmmmmm, what to Blip as no photos taken yet? .....I know, a cup of tea to think!

Opened fridge door and SMASH! Milk and broken glass everywhere!!!!!!!

The notch that keeps the plastic tray stuck to the door had just sheared off and so the contents went everywhere. That'll teach me to buy the cheapest fridge in the shop, they all looked the same to me. (Be warned would-be fridge purchasers)

After some very quick tea towel and kitchen roll deployment to stop the ever-increasing milk lake from disappearing under the fridge and freezer resulting in a major major clean-up, I noticed that one of the bottles was intact. This was good for two reasons:

1. It was less to clear up
2. I could have a cup of tea after all

A quick wipe, mop and fridge rearrangement later and peace is restored (mainly due to the cup of tea).

Bless you Supermilk, you've saved my day :) My hero.

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