World Through My Eyes

By littleartemis


The weather was really good today! It didn't rain!

Meet up with a couple friends this morning and we went to the Art Gallery, it is so cool! I love the Victorian and Maori paintings, makes me wish I could draw or do something that is deemed artistic haha.
I went and had lunch with a friend after the seeing Art Gallery and when we were eating she was saying how she really wants to go see the gallery because she has heard that it is really awesome, so I went again with her, it was still good the second time! Took some photos the second time round!

My cousin graduated Bcom today from Auckland Uni. There were so many people walking round town with their graduation robes on, it was really windy so I was jealous because their robes looked really warm.
Went out to dinner after to celebrate her graduation at this place in Mission Bay, was so good!

Took this photo in the Art Gallery the first time I went. Its really awesome, the floor and ceiling are mirrors which keep reflecting off each other, best room in the gallery =D

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