wishful thinking

I decided it would be a fantastic idea to drink a red bull at 7pm followed up by 5 glasses of iced tea (+ dinner with Brighton at Chuy's... In honor of México independence day, of course)... all for the sake of keeping myself awake to study for a muscle physiology quiz tomorrow morning.

I read and annotated and charted. It was great. Unfortunately, it was also not necessary. Aside from one question pertaining to the reading, I don't feel like it was relevant. That's not to say I didn't enjoy reading it. I did. And it helped me study my lectures more effectively. (most boring writeup ever. I'm too deep at this point. must keep going. tunnel trough to the light.)
I am just a little frustrated that it seems like no matter what I study, it doesn't matter. The more I know, the more I read into questions and the more that becomes distracting. Don't really know what to do about that... not study maybe? That helps with OMM quizzes generally.

I like anatomy because the more I study, the more I know. No one is trying to trick me. You either know it or you don't. I'll stop whining now. Just decided.

Houston tomorrow to celebrate my grandmother's 90th birthday last week! So excited to be with my family ... so relatively close to a lake (even though there's this whole drought thing going on...).

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