running commentary

By Stesedthat

You gotta laugh

Well, the lady owner was actually close to tears but I didn't let that stop me.

All day long I had been taking snaps of things in the hope of getting a half decent Blip on this small landmark day.

Last job before going home there was nowt to it and I was all but finished and about to put the lid back on the drain when this wee dog escaped from the house, ran around the garden a bit then fell backwards down into the chamber. Clearly unhurt, I found it quite funniest thing to happen at work in many a year. The lady came out of the house and asked her husband where Cooper had gone, I redoubled my laughter, as the young apprentice who works for me is also called Cooper. I just about managed to point down the hole inbetween holding my sides - the lady then started to rage at her husband for not catching the dog as it fell. I shouted across to Cooper1 to get the ladder out of the van and soon Cooper2 was reunited with lady.

and of course the grateful people added a wee gratitude for my risking life and limb to rescue their daft mutt? Like hell they did - must originate from Penrith!

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