Buckley Hughes World

By buckleyhughes


So, I think that ceilings are often overunderlooked when it comes to photos, and we have lovely ceilings in our house so I thought I'd show them off a little.

When we moved in all the beams (88 of them in 4 rooms - yikes!) were painted black. Some were matt black, others were shiny black. They were all badly painted, and along with the fake candle lampshades contrived to make the house look rather like a bad 1970s pub pastiche. Unsurprisingly we decided that we really needed to rid ourselves of the black and the shades, and fast.

After a few weeks of back-breaking work with Nitromors and various foam-based applications, we discovered grit blasting, so we invited the team from Ghostbusters to do their worst. We covered everything, including the windows, and had a multiple layer of plastic at the bottom of the stairs. Despite all this, armageddon wraught its havoc all over our house. For years (literally) we were picking specks of grit out from window casements. But our beams looked (and still do look) marvellous - not a bad pub effect in sight!

I showed this photo to Mrs BH before uploading it and she said 'it could do with some filler though'... I mean, she's right in a way but we've coped for 7 years without it, and I don't think it's very high on the priority list.

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