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Phew. Just managed to get this edited and uploaded seconds before my laptop battery ran out.

The main reason why I didn't get round to poking about on internet cheapness sites for a secondary bicycle sooner was that besides there being nowhere to put one and there being not enough space for one was that there'd be nowhere for it to go when not in use. Until, at least, I get round to building a shed. Another reason would be not having much time to piss about making a secondhand bike roadworthy, even though exhibit E there is now reliably going to sleep at eight and is now generally safe from normal household noises whilst sleeping, freeing up some evening-time for things like swapping pedals and trueing wheels which is all I had time for this evening. Space was certainly the main issue, which is why it is somewhat vexing that in the auction of stuff from a portion of Nicky's work which closed last week we didn't win something small and useful (in this instance a wet/dry Vax) but instead have to somehow find some extra room for the four large bags containing a large marquee, which probably has a covered area larger than the house's footprint. Even bagged it takes up most of the remaining free floor space in the dining room/library/junkyard/garage. Whilst getting it into the loft wouldn't be impossible it will be tricky and wasn't going to happen tonight, as that would have been significantly louder than normal household noise, which might have awoken him.


Hmmm. A potential problem with him being quietish for the hour or so before he goes to bed might be that he counts it towards his sleep-time, getting up at an earlier-than-usual 04:40 the morning after a quiet evening.

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