Who knew?

By InOtherNews

It's the shot I always wanted....

Well kinda. I took the opportunity to take this an hour ago. I'm celebrating a 1-0 win over Gateshead.

I never, ever thought that winning 1-0 against Gateshead would be worthy of a celebration. However they are (were) top and we are (were) 22nd. Therefore it's a good result. Ali Fuseini rose majestically ten minutes from time to nod in at the near post in front of the Stacey West end. GET IN GET IN GET IN.

Oh wow by the way, three favourites for my castle shot already. I'm touched. I really must get round some journals tomorrow if I get time.

To fill you in this week so far I've signed on and sent a bucket load of CV's and letters out. I've made around £40 selling a few old bits on Amazon, tomorrow I'm meeting some mental health people to moan a bit about everything. Thursday I have the solar panel people coming around to see if I can have them for free. Friday I'm pretty much free, which means I continue to build my website. Saturday it's Forest Green at home and then 'maybe' Clean and Lee's. Sunday it's car boot time again. At some point I would really like to catch up with Bryher as well :D

Hopefully I will manage to get a few comments out over the next 24 hours!

Oh and before you think I've gone soft, I'm saving all my best ranting for the A-Z of modern culture (working title) available from all good self publishing sites (well one) in time for christmas.

Oh and www.ghhypnosis.co.uk will soon be online........

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