Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

Silver Wedding Anniversary

25 years and we still remember the day like it was yesterday.

Yesterdays togetherness blip was leading up to this.

Great day today - went to the Royal Academy in Piccadilly to see the Degas exhibition. Fascinating body of work representing his career which grew up in tandem with early photography. His desire to capture movement, his study of line and form and balance etc. Brilliant.

Then we went to "Eyewitness exhibition" - still in the RA. A remarkable collection of Hungarian photographers Brassai, Capa, Kertesz and loads of others. Truly iconic images; romantic landscapes, modern cityscapes, photojournalism from the two wars and the Spanish Civil War. Inspiring.

So here is a mono image! I tried the selective colour technique on the rings but it looked too gawdy!

Hope you like. :-)

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