
By astudyinscarlet

sentry duty

my mother's birthday today, for once i was actually in northumberland for it, too. i had hoped to put up a pic of her fave flower, irises, but the shots i took weren't that exciting somehow. all the other things i snapped in the garden make me think of my father, so i'm left with the bird pix. normally there are blue tits, goldfinches and robins aplenty on the feeders outside the front window and back door; this trip i've seen nothing but spuggies. and the only way i know the pheasants are around is by hearing the buggers shouting at 4am for their breakfast!

but this thrushie caught my eye, watching beadily from the top of the outhouse, checking out the food situation and generally keeping an eye on the world. so it seems right to put it up as not only does my mother really enjoy having her little tweety friends around (even if they cost a fortune to feed), she's also quietly keeping her eye on my father and i and making sure life runs smoothly for us, just as if we were baby birds.

happy birthday mum.

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