A damn fine city

I think my comments here tonight may upset a few people but, honestly, they are meant as a compliment. As expected I left work at 6:30 tonight so there was no way I was going to get a sunset shot (and in the end the sun didn't oblige) so instead I tried for a blue hour shot and captured light-trails at the same time.

I camped myself on The Craggs and looked for the best angle to show off Edinburgh's gorgeous skyline and this is the best I came up with. On the way down, I thought to myself that the city of Edinburgh was a little like a bad girlfriend. She's got some bit's that you don't really want to go to, there are funny smells emanating from the middle and she whinges just a little more than you'd like but occasionally she dresses herself up and looks absolutely gorgeous and you kind of forgive all the bad stuff (i'll not mention if her frequent wetness is also a positive or a negative....)

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