Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

English, as she is spoke.

I must say they didn't look all that active to me, sitting there in ALDI©'s bin.

Closer inspection, after purchase, revealed the dread phrase...''made in China : For...''. Maybe that accounts for English even more quaint than mine. Would the world grind to a halt if China sunk without trace? I wonder.

These were one of yesterday's unexpected purchases.

Manymany moons ago I fell in love with the idea of ''Masai Barefoot Technology©''.
Before we found any in retail, we found some Skecher's(?) trainers at about half the price. Good job too, coz the Gaffer's pair turned out to be too small, with the shop too far away.
Happened to spot these yesterday just after the affair of the Grouse, and, after a road test, turns out they're ''Spot on''.

Went downtown in the mucho wetto this a.m., again sans Canon. Probably just as well, I don't think I have a snorkel which fits it. Just as we were due to return we walked out of the Cafe to blue skies and sunshine, got home and thought of these.

Mind you, you don't need Chinese for quaint usage, LONG before Blip I saw a, professionally made sign advertising, amongst other delicacies...''GATEAUX'S''

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