Sandcastle Holidays

By Sandcastle

1000 Airplanes on the Roof - Lammermuir Festival

Wow! What a setting for this evening's performance at the Lammermuir Festival.

We took the kids along because we thought that it would be great to experience a musical event taking place 'in the round' in the hangar for Concorde.

Although one of the children was unwell due to a bit of a rush between North Berwick and East Fortune (and a hastily eaten sorbet before the drive), we were soon promenading round the hangar following the sole actor 'M' (played by David McKay) as he recounted his tale while the Red Note Ensemble played the Philip Glass score. The action is described as a 'science fiction music drama' - so something for everyone.

Some of the audience who are used to the more traditional musical performances given at the festival were not quite as enamored by the music, but as we'd been brought up on synthesizer music in the 70's and 80's we were impressed.

Certainly an event we will remember.

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