I just can't put a title to this one.............!

I'm not one for picies of myself - much prefer to take them, and this certainly isn't my pick of the day. However the kids bulldozed me into putting this one up......we stopped for lunch at the Cow Bay Hotel, this was their "Cow Bay Burger"...I might add that I couldn't finish it.

Today we went north, caught the car ferry over the Daintree River and continued on to Cape Tribulation (a spot where Captain Cook ran aground way back) It wasn't so much the destination (although I must say the beaches are just amazing) but the journey through the rainforest clad mountains, truly wonderful.....enjoyed some walks along the stunning beaches, deserted beaches except a few folk like ourselves.
Visited a moth and butterfly museum, this blew me away, species from all around the world, she took us outside and showed us some little creepies, beautiful.
Walking back from one of the beaches a heard some rustling in the bushes are spied this!! A beautiful thing :)
It was to be my blip but over ruled.

Off for a swim now


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