Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

Weary in Washington

As the end of our time in North America draws ever closer, I'm starting to feel more and more lazy, and not quite as enthusiastic about new places as I once was. I'm also taking fewer and fewer pictures. Perhaps seven months on the road is finally taking its toll.

We did spend the morning browsing shops and market stalls, but the afternoon was all about doing bugger all. We found a great spot in a coffee shop where we could people watch and see the sun go down.

In the evening I hit the cinema to watch Drive. It definitely won't be everybody's cup of tea but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was nice to see a familiar premise approached a bit differently amid all the by-the-numbers bullshit plaguing Hollywood these days.
Be warned though if you are thinking of seeing it - the trailer I've linked is the entire movie in a nutshell, so you might want to give it a miss.

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