Different Shape, Same Great Taste

I decided to stretch the thinking of my Thai friends with a new style of birthday cake. Here's how I put it together:

Step 1. Gather Thai friends and have them help you bake 2 pans of brownies.
Step 2. Cook a double batch of chocolate yogurt (aka pudding, but I don't know the word for it in Thai and neither do my Thai friends.)
Step 3. Grind mock Oreo cookies in the mortar and pestle.
Step 4. Go to the market in search for a flower and gummy worms. When the gummy worms can't be found, settle for gummy french fries instead. (Who knew gummy french fries existed?!)
Step 5. Sneak the brownies and pudding into your room and hide where no Thai friends can find you.
Step 6. Wash and dry a large plastic flower pot.
Step 7. Crumble the brownies and layer them with the pudding in the flower pot.
Step 8. Sprinkle the ground mock Oreos on top to make it look like dirt.
Step 9. Place the gummy worms on top and stick a flower in the middle.
Step 10. As "Happy Birthday" is being sung, bring the dirt cake out.

The response:
Laughing, pointing, jaws dropped, and a few screams from the girls as students said, "Is it real?!" "Can you eat it?" "No Way!!!"

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