Daily Encapsulation

By Benjofranco


After being out yesterday getting some fresh air it was back to being a relaxed hermit. With seven straight shifts calling my name, I thought my body would thank me for a day sat watching DVD's and not doing much at all. 'Serenity' the last few episodes of 'Firefly,' 'Goodfellas' and I really hate to say 'Season of the Witch' (a poor poor LoveFilm choice. Damn you Cage!!! This is quite literally me looking around my room and finding something to shoot and have a play about with.

I'm all about comfort and when in civvies you'll very rarely see me out of a pair of Allstars, timeless and classic, you can't go wrong with a pair. They're one of the few things that actually start looking better the more you wear them.

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