
By wingpig


...and what better way to celebrate than with a reshoot of a picture I didn't use on the 18th of January because I couldn't get it to work on my old camera although that was partly the fault of the bloke who dawdled into the shot wearing reflective clothings.

It's not been a bad week but this was exactly the sort of day I needed. Besides getting to pay in the refund cheque from HMCR for what they stole from me last March I saw some spring nice enough to make up for the bypass of winter, briefly shared the aspirations of a wannabe postbox, avoided crying (and in fact sniggered slightly) over some spilt notmilk and got back into some low-angle and really long in the minutes range exposure watery river-shots. Nothing annoyed me on the way home, either, despite the massive amounts of utterly inebriated people on and falling off the edge of the streets even on my off-the-beaten-track route. Maybe it's because the drunken Welsh accent is nowhere near as threatening to me as drunken Scottish. Maybe I'm imperviously goodmooded today.

Have a nice weekend.

Remember it's only a game.

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