My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

Is this Scary!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone

Hope you are all well.

Well the camera is working ok apart from the flash its just died and i never thought they would, the flash pops up but no flash, means no more water baby shots or water drops :(.

I tried some shots with olivia today and i dont use flash with my back drops i still use natural light on the subject and my lights on the back. Here she his doing a face from Goldie locks and the 3 Bears and this is her daddy bear face with his teeth lol. Shes also going Grrrrrrrr. Shes does some great faces. So hope this is ok i also changed it to black and white and just wanted to bring the colour back on her eyes, i do love to play.

Does anyone have any idea how much it is to have your camera looked at and cleaned these days id love to know????

Still not A1 i fell asleep at my computer earlier not good i must take more care of myself really. Must go to bed soon as early mornings with the kiddies waking up at 6.30. Thomas had no tears today when Mark took him but i was told he fell over in the playground and hurt his leg and he screamed so much for Mummy, its hard to hear that that i wasnt there for him as he always wants me when he hurts himself.

Night night for now and hope everyone has had a good week, thankyou always for your kind words.

Vicky. xxxxxxx

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