Ever bright and fair

By vincedesjardins

Mavis Staples

We went to see Mavis Staples in concert tonight at the Buskirk Chumley theater. Her concert was the official opening of the 18th annual Lotus World Music and Arts Festival that is held here in Bloomington. The Lotus festival is amazing. Each year, musical acts from all over the world come to Bloomington to perform in venues all over the downtown area. Several blocks are blocked off to traffic and big tents with stages are put up in parking lots. There are performances going on simultaneously on various stages throughout the downtown area tomorrow night and Saturday night. Some of the performances are in the tents, others are in churches or local theaters. When you buy a pass (for either one night or both nights) you can walk in to any performance. Most of them are set up so that you can come and go as you please. We weren't able to go last year, but we went two years ago and it was a lot of fun. We have passes for tomorrow night, and I'm really looking forward to it. Hopefully the weather will cooperate, it's been raining tonight, so we'll see. I'm hoping I'll be able to get some good pictures.

Anyway, this is the only photo I took during the Mavis Staples concert. I shot in available light and the picture is somewhat blurred, but at least it will serve as a reminder of this great concert. If you ever get to see her perform live, don't hesitate to go. She is phenomenal. At 72 years old, she still has an amazing voice and is a dynamo on stage.

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