Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Sitting Quietly

We took the whole family to the Appledore Book Festival today.

Weeks and weeks ago - almost the minute booking began, I bought us all tickets to hear Michael Rosen speak. I knew he would be popular. And he was. The church he spoke in today was full.

I worried about our youngest child. She has trouble sitting still and has given us cause to avoid things in the past because it's too stressful. But this, I thought, would be fun. We've read his Fantastically Funny Stories and it had us all in stitches (from 6 to 67 years-old), and I know he is a natural performer.

It was fun. Lots of fun. He is very visual and rhythmical. He uses words physically and keeps you interested. I wish there'd been more people like that working in schools when I was young - I might have listened.

I needn't have worried about our youngest. Although... she was almost too good! I gave her a notebook and a pencil, while she was waiting, and - at her request - some sums to do (!) Then she sat and drew pictures - including an apple and a door (Appledore), even once Michael Rosen had started, and she stopped to join in and laugh whenever she felt like it.

We got a couple of books signed afterwards and I had a chance to stand inches away from one of my heroes. Instead of saying, 'Lovely to meet you. I'm one of your Facebook friends and follow your political posts with interest. I admire your work and your convictions...' I just grinned like a loon and nodded.

Not a great photo. But when Tess sits still in a church it's worth recording!

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